Annual Enrollment
Canterbury enrolls students from September-June. Current and returning families have the opportunity to register before new families. All enrollment forms should be returned with a non-refundable enrollment fee and a waitlist will be established when classrooms are filled.
We will begin accepting new family enrollment forms for 2025-2026 on December 3, 2024 and collect them through January 8, 2025. We will have a lottery for classroom placement on January 9, 2025 and families will be notified of status in the following weeks.

Our Policies
Canterbury offers a scholarship for families who find themselves in financial need. All information is kept strictly confidential. It should be brought to the attention of the Director if and when a need occurs. Contributions to the scholarship fund are tax-deductible and gladly accepted.
Canterbury has a sliding scale of tuition fees based on income and need. Anyone who feels they qualify for reduced tuition fees must disclose all financial information to the Director who will then adjust the tuition accordingly.
Canterbury participates in the Mass Jobs Voucher program. If you meet the requirements you may qualify for a voucher from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that will pay a larger percentage of the tuition. More information is available from the Director.
Families whose accounts are in arrears one month or more, may be asked to withdraw their child from school.
Tuition payments that are overdue will be charged with a 1.5% interest rate per month with a $5 minimum.
No changes in the contract will be allowed after the April Billing.
Questions about billing may be brought to the Administrative Director.
There will be a $25.00 fee for every schedule change.
For more information regarding our policies, please download our Parent Handbook.